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Mise à jour 22/08


August 22, 2013 Update for Multiplayer and Zombies

* Multiplayer Issues Addressed
* Addressed an issue where Players were able to copy other Players’ emblems.
* Fixed an issue where throwing down and picking up equipment (such as the Bouncing Betty) for a long period of time would cause those items to become invisible when thrown.
* Players are no longer able to stand on invisible collision near the crane in Uplink.
* Fixed an issue in Uplink where Players were able to access invisible collision near the lower start spawn, outside of the intended playspace.
* Players are no longer able to Dive-To-Prone into a section of the downed plane in Cove.
* Fixed an issue where the lobby countdown timer would reset back to full in certain circumstances.
* Fixed an issue where placeholder text was displaying on combat record 
* TranZit
* Zombies no longer jitter when they climb on the roof of the bus or when they enter from the windows.
* Fixed an issue where zombies killed inside the bus would attack Players for a second before despawning. 
* Die Rise
* Leapers no longer become stuck in the main elevator shaft. 
* Buried
* The Double Points upgrade now applies when purchasing ammunition for wall-buy weapons.
* Fixed an issue in the starting area where Players were able to Dive-To-Prone and safely land on collision without going down the slide.
* Players are no longer able to Dive-To-Prone on a fence outside the Church and become free from zombie attack.
* Addressed an issue where Players were able to place a Trample Steam in the Courthouse tunnels, launch themselves into a wall, and become free from zombie attack.
* Fixed an issue where Players were receiving points by touching zombies with the Insta-Kill persistent upgrade active and a sniper rifle equipped.
* Players are no longer able to access unintended collision in-between the General Store and Stables and be free from zombie attack.
* Players no longer get stuck at the bottom of the slide when using Dive-To-Prone.
* Fixed an issue where zombies were getting stuck in walls when Players stood in Vulture-Aid stink.
* Players are no longer able to stand on invisible collision on the Stables’ exterior and be free from zombie attack.
* Fixed graphic issues with players using FOV above 65.  

Cooool !!!!!!!!!!!!

J'y comprend rien  :P

moi ya ça que je retiens, il leurs à fallut 10 mois pour fixé ce bug

--- Quote ---Fixed an issue where the lobby countdown timer would reset back to full in certain circumstances.
--- End quote ---


Pas mieux ! >:(


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